Indoor Athletic Centre (IAC)
The exam entrance is at the rear of the building. Click on the IAC exam entrance location point to view on a map.
Your seat number will be displayed on the lists to the side of the doors. Please ensure you know where you will be seated before you enter the hall.

Sports Hall
The exam entrance is on the side of the Sports Centre opposite the river Pinn. Click on the Sports Hall exam entrance location point to view on a map.
Your seat number will be displayed on the lists outside the doors. Please ensure you know where you will be seated before you enter the hall.

Netball Hall
The exam entrance is at the rear of the Sports Centre. Click on the Netball Hall exam entrance location point to view on a map.
Your seat number will be displayed on the lists outside the doors. Please ensure you know where you will be seated before you enter the hall.

Lecture Centre
The exam entrance is at the front of the Lecture Centre which is opposite the Quad North. Click on the Lecture Centre exam entrance location point to view on a map.
To locate your room - Once you enter the building take the staircase on your left up to the 2nd floor where you will find the following rooms to which you will be allocated.
LECT 208, LECT 210, LECT 212, LECT 214 & LECT 216
If you cannot find your room, please call in at the Exams office LECT 206 where a member of staff will be able to help. A lift is available at the entrance lobby should you wish to use it.

Bannerman Centre for the Assistive Technology Centre (ATC)
The exam entrance to the ATC is through the entrance at the Bannerman Centre. Click on the Bannerman Centre (ATC) exam entrance location point to view on a map.
To locate your room - Upon entry take the first door to your left and take the staircase to the 3rd floor. A lift is available here as well should you wish to use it. The ATC individual exam rooms are through room BANN 313.

Hamilton Centre
The exam entrance is to the side of the building behind the job shop. Click on the Hamilton Centre exam entrance location point to view on a map.
To locate your rooms - Go up the stairs or use the lift to get to the lobby area where you can follow signs to the following rooms.
Newton North and South, Darwin, Cavendish and Mead.
Your seat number will be displayed on the lists outside the doors. Please ensure you know where you will be seated before you enter the hall.

Michael Sterling
The exam entrance is at the front of the Michael Sterling building which is opposite the John Crank Garden. Click on the Michael Sterling exam entrance location point to view on a map.
To locate your room - Upon entry in to the building from the front, take the flight of stairs through the first door on your right and make way to the relevant level to find your room.
First floor - MCST 159
Third floor - MCST 360, MCST 361 & MCST 362
If you enter the building at the rear entrance, take the flight of stairs through the first door on your left to find the rooms mentioned above.

Wilfred Brown
The exam entrance is to the side of the building next to the security office opposite the pond. Click on the Wilfred Brown exam entrance location point to view on a map.
To locate your room - Upon entry to the building go through the second set of double doors and passed the reception area to find the following rooms.
Room WLFB 106 - Use the staircase passed reception and room WLFB 106 is the first room at the top.
Room WLFB 013 - Once you pass reception go to end of the room and turn right at the atrium. WLFB 013 is on the opposite end.

Marie Jahoda
The exam entrance is at the first door to your right as you enter the covered walkway of the building. Click on the Marie Jahoda exam entrance location point to view on a map.
To locate your room - Once you enter the corridor, walk to the end and you will find MRJD 118 where you are to make yourself known to a member of staff who will allocate you to your exam room.

The exam entrance is to the side of the building. Click on the Gaskell exam entrance location point to view.
To locate your room - At the reception area, take the corridor to your right and you will arrive at the lift. Take the lift to the second floor and turn right at the corridor to get to room GASK 220 where you are to make yourself known to a member of staff who will allocate you to your exam room. You can also use the stair case which can be found passed the lift to your right through the door at the end of the corridor.