Volunteer as a language assistant

"It was quite an enjoyable and rewarding experience as I have developed many skills over the course of the year. Many skills that I only could have developed through this experience, such as patience and sociability in a classroom setting, while be invaluable going forward in life."

Language Assistant 2023-2025

"It was a great experience for me to being language assistant in these one and a half years. I learned a lot not only from the teacher, also from our students. I’ve also got know more students as friends in the university. I improved my teaching skills when having classes every week. That would be a memorable period for me."

Language Assistant 2023-2024

"In my mind, language assistant is not only teacher and students ‘helper, but also the bridge between different cultures. It is the language assistant ‘s job to make the learning environment friendlier and kindlier. I really glad that I got this opportunity to advertise my native language culture to other people."

Language Assistant 2023-2024