Get ready for Summer Graduation!

On your Graduation day

  • Aim to arrive two hours before your ceremony, trust us, the time will fly by!
  • Get registered, gowned and your official photography done, find out where these are located on graduation campus map.
  • Try to get your official photography done before the ceremony.
  • Be seated for your ceremony, in the Indoor Athletics Centre (IAC) no later than 30 minutes before your ceremony start time.
  • Don't forget Brunel Merch is available to purchase from the shop on the day.
  • You can buy flowers from 10am at our Flower Stall by the Brunel Arts Centre.
  • A cloakroom is available on the day, please note we're unable to take luggage.

During your Graduation ceremony

  • Only water is allowed into the ceremony hall, no other food or drink.
  • Guests without tickets will not be allowed into the ceremony hall, but they can watch the ceremony either in the Quad or at the Eastern Gateway auditorium.
  • Share this livestream link with those who cannot make it on the day but wish to watch the ceremony.

After your Graduation ceremony

  • Enjoy celebratory drinks in the graduation marquee in the Quad.
  • Return your gown to the Sports Centre by 6pm.